Wish & Dish Linky Party

Hi all!  How did August sneak up on us?!!  You know what August brings? BACK TO SCHOOL!!!
I'm teaming up with Aileen Miracle today and we're hosting a linky party called "Wish & Dish":

Why?  Because TpT is having a BIG Back to School Sale on Monday & Tuesday!!! Woo hoo!!

We figured there are two things to do before then:  first, make a wish list!!!  I'm going to share with you some of the things that are on mine today.  And second, "dish" on all your previous purchases. That is, leave feedback for things that you've bought on TpT.  Did you know that when you leave feedback you earn credit to apply to future purchases?!  Super cool!  Here's how you "dish" on your previous purchases:

First, go to the top of your menu bar on your TpT home page to where it says "My TpT", using the pull down menu select "My Purchases"

From there, you can sort your previous purchases.  I always select "Needs Feedback" and that allows me to have the ones that need feedback sorted out and easier to find.

Now, on to the wishlist part of the blog post.  This includes three parts: a product from my store, something from another music teacher and then something from a non-music seller that I'm excited about.

First, I want to share a product that I made this summer that I'm super excited about!! My Body Sign set:

 I use body signs all the time in my classroom.  They're great for preparation of melodic elements and also for reinforcement of previously known melodic concepts when we're learning a new melodic element. When we're practicing, we really do focus on hand signs of the known element but when preparing a new element using previous body signs in conjunction with the sign of the new element really help with pitch relationships.  

Here's a picture of the set that I use and love:

I do have some friends who did their Kodály training at different institutes and learned a different system.  For this reason I have included their system as well in my set:

The sets come with both preparation and practice slides that can be displayed digitally or printed out for easy access.

There are also a variety of colors for the sets:

Second, I want to share with you two products by other music teachers that I can't wait to get!!! First, are the Early Finisher Cards by Aileen Miracle:
 When you're doing pencil and paper work or centers in the music room it's nice to have a "go-to" activity or task for those students who finish early. It helps keep them engaged and on task and making the most of the precious time you have with them.  I can't wait to get them!!

The next is from Karla Cherwinski at C Major Learning:
If you're not familiar with Karla's Write the Room Sets they are a great way to practice rhythm and rhythm writing.  This set looks fabulous for the beginning of the year and even if you're new to a building this is a great activity for your kiddos!

Finally, I'm super excited about a couple clip artists.  The first one is the Classroom Doodle Diva. I think her kiddos are so cute and she is the sweetest person to work with, making me the body sign clip art for the set above.

The other clip artist is equally as sweet: Nikki from Melonheadz. I'm super excited to get this set.  

I haven't told you this but we're remodeling our main level (I'm going to share more about this when I link up with Aileen's "3 Things I Learned this Summer" post later this week).  With that comes new floors and my family is all getting new chores..... we'll all be doing a lot more sweeping to keep those floors from getting dusty! lol!

If you're a blogger and want to link up, here's how:


    An InLinkz Link-up

a Kodaly inspired blog Amy Abbott Colorado music elementary teacher ideas files downloads
music a la abbott music education teacher resources teaching elementary kodaly musical concepts teachers pay teachers amy abbott musicalaabbott.com

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