June Currently

Today I'm linking up with:

 For June Currently.  I couldn't pass this one up, what a great way to organize myself!
Currently Listening:
I have a 4 year old and a 6 year old. They are LOUD. That's it.  That's about all I can hear, lol!  When they play nicely together it is BLISS.  When they fight.  Ugh.  We'll, if you have 2 or more kids you know what I'm talking about.

Currently Loving:
I'm loving sleeping in! But I can't wait for hubs to be on summer break too (tomorrow is his last day.)  I LOVE having the windows open and getting a nice breeze through the house. I LOVE the smell of it.  And I love how Colorado can have HOT nights but cool off in the evening.

Currently Thinking:
I have a long to-do list.. .  ugh.
This week I need to get my session notes ready for the session I'm presenting at the Dalcroze National Conference in less then 3 weeks.  I need to get pedagogy and analysis "stuff" to the incoming level 2's for the Colorado Kodály Institute, where I'm teaching in July also out this week.  I need to watch their teaching videos and create syllabi's for pedagogy and folk song.  I need to revamp all my notes and teaching materials for level 2.

Currently Wanting:
more time!  I need an extra day.  I need one day to be a mom and one day to get the rest of this stuff done.  I also want a pedicure (getting one on Thursday with my 4 year old!  We're getting them for our Disneyland trip. Hope they can do a Mickey Mouse silhouette on her toes or she'll be so sad.)  And I want a massage, but I also have the scheduled for Saturday.  We're leaving for a road trip to CA and to go to Disneyland on Sunday so I want to start the vacation out right!

Currently Needing:
to find balance.  Balance between professional and personal.  I feel often times that I'm missing out on being a mom.  I know independent play for kids is important but I also want to play with them and not be always working.  Especially during the summer.  Like I did last year.  I also need to find a balance or work vs. relaxation.  I've become rather grumpy.   It's not fun.

Summer Bucket List:
Spend time with my kids. Because, you know, they're fabulous and only this age once.
Date my husband.  Yea, the dude that helped me make the kids.  He's a pretty neat guy.  I'd go so far as to say he's my best friend.  I wonder if he'll go out with me if I ask him?
Work on TpT items.  There's SO much that I want to make. There's so much that I have clip art to make (slight addiction there).  But again, also balance.

Speaking of TpT, a lot of music teachers are participating in the $2TuesdayMusicFlashSale today!
Head on over and check it out!

My product on sale was just posted today and includes two fun games for practicing the orchestra/band instruments

 Thanks again to Oh' Boy 4th Grade for hosting this Linky Party! It was fun!

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