Apple Tree: Disappearing Song and Memory PowerPoint

Happy Thursday everyone!  It was an amazingly beautiful day today here in Colorado so my two kiddos and I scooted (okay, they scooted and I walked) to our local park, we had frozen yogurt and played outside the majority of the day.  It was awesome!

But this morning I did finish a file that I started yesterday.  I had to take a break from la songs and made a do disappearing song PowerPoint.  Again, this is set up similarly to the previous files I've made.

This one is for Apple Tree (this song is a gem!)

First, they'll track the beats by pointing to the apples as they sing the song:

Next, they'll clap the rhythm of the song as they sing the text:

Then we'll sing it on rhythm syllables:

Then we'll add the bar lines and meter:

We'll move on to singing the song on solfa:

After that the apples fall from the tree. Really, they do!  With the animation they actually fall and bounce and land by the tree.  They start off falling one by one but then they start falling by twos:

In this slide, all the apples fall and they sing the whole song from memory:

Then, we'll wrap it up by singing the text of the song one more time:

And I would then transition them into the game:

This is available at my Teachers Pay Teachers store! :)

Remember, if you're in Colorado, that Susan Brumfield's workshop is on Saturday!!!  Don't miss it!  Hope to see you there!!!

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