Seesaw II

I've posted about this song before, it's a GEM! You can read that post by clicking here.

Just to review, or if it's new to you, here's the song:

And here are some activity ideas:
Children find partners and hold hands standing up facing each other.
Practice being “see-saws” – one child goes down while the other remains standing and switch.  Practice at a steady beat, slow, then faster. 

Sing the song “See Saw” and move to the steady beat. 

Ways to “see-saw”:
1. Standing up
2. Sitting down
3. Teacher picking up child
4. Use therabands 

I've been trying to revamp and create PowerPoints for songs that I use in late preparation, presentation and practice.  So here's the latest one created for Seesaw:

Here's the lyric slide:

The beat slide:

The iconic rhythm slide:

The symbolic notation slide:

I've made preparation, presentation and practice slides for this song.  Here are the presentation slides (these are notated for both phrases in my PDF.  For the sake of space, I've only posted the slides with the first phrase):

Here are the presentation slides:

And the practice slides:

This is available as a PDF at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  I'd like to credit for the cute graphics and border that I used in this file! :)  Please check this site out, it's designed with teachers in mind!

If you weren't able to partake of my Teachers Pay Teachers sale and would like to, I'm extending it through Monday, February 18th.  In case you didn't know about it, for every $10 you spend you can earn $2.00 towards items in my store. 

Here's how it works: make a purchase at my store but DO NOT include your free items (remember, you'll earn $2.00 of "product" for every $10 you spend).  After you place your order, email me at, let me know how much you spent and which files you would like me to send you.  It's that easy!! :)

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