Three Summer Goals

Well hello there! It's been a while... seems to be a theme compared to when I started blogging!  

I'm linking up with my dear friend, Aileen Miracle of Mrs. Miracle's Music Room, to present three of my goals for the summer.

Goal #1:
FAMILY TIME!!!!  This picture is from two years ago....   

It's taken at Disneyland, in California Adventure and we had all just gotten some yummy Starbucks drinks.  It is one of my favorite pictures of these crazies and I can't wait to take them back to Disneyland this summer! It's going to be the kids' first time on a plane and they're super excited (we normally drive).  
The kids are also in piano lessons and it's been so nice to have time to focus on helping them with their practicing more. Noah is a book junkie and reads all and everything he can get his hands on and Hannah is interested in drama so she's doing a drama camp at the Boulder Dinner Theater this summer... she's SO excited!!!  They're also going camping with my in-laws while I teach at CSU in July.   While I miss them terribly during that time I also have incredibly fond memories of spending time with my grandparents during the summer.  My Granny didn't live too far away but we spent so much time with her and that time with grandparents is all too important.

Goal #2:
Work on the two growing bundles I have going on right now.  One is a game board set and Hannah has been helping me test them out!   It's fun to see how she has ideas for games and I love that she wants to help me and then play the games.   We're headed out tomorrow to get some spinners at the local teacher store.  Here are a couple of the games from week 1:

The other set is the Recorder Wars Growing bundle. This one has bee SUPER fun to work on and has inspired me to work on a Solfége set that will be coming out sooner than later. :)  Aileen has also been inspiring in how she's been revamping her store. She and I started TpT about the same time and some of the first things I produced are, well... scary, lol! Hopefully some will get a make-over but it's also been a goal of mine, for a while, to have concept sets for each rhythmic and melodic concept and I've only gotten a few of those done!  

Goal #3:
Take some time for myself to refresh and rejuvenate for the school year.   I have an awesome friend that I love to workout with and we meet a couple mornings, I work with a trainer a couple days a week to have my "you-know-what" kicked and I'm hoping to make it to some yoga classes. 

Another goal (I know... she said three) is to blog more.. I know, I know..... I've said that before!  But I'm hoping to make it happen!

Thanks again to Aileen for hosting the link up! Head on over to her blog to read up on some more summer goals!

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