So, it's almost a new year and that brings about a time to reflect on the past year and look forward towards the next. Last year at this time I'm happy to say that I set some goals which I have met. The one I'm proud of most is making it to the gym 3-4 times a week-go me! lol! So, in this time of reflection I'm linking up with Aileen Miracle over at Mrs. Miracle's Music Room.
Here are my 2015 Goals and Resolutions:
Personal: spend more time with my family. This seems like it should always be a priority but for all you teacher parents you know that finding this balance is hard. During the week the kids and I get to school at 7:00 am (two hours before school starts) so that I can get stuff for school done. This is also the time that my 7 year old works on his homework and practices his piano. He then goes to the before school daycare program because he loves to get some play in with his friends who are there. I then have choir or handbells before school, starting at 8:00 four mornings a week and the fifth morning is a staff meeting. After school is swim lessons twice a week for the kids, piano lessons for Noah and basketball for Hannah. The weekends come and we spend time trying to get the house cleaned, laundry done, church attended (and for N also sacrament prep), grocery shopping, etc.. The reality is we don't have much play. It's going to be a conscious effort to actually plan time to sit down and play. That's been the great thing about break, we've played so many board games, card games and just enjoyed time together. We need to find that balance the rest of the school year!
Professional: workshop for district teachers. I've had many teachers ask me to help them create digital resources for their classrooms so it's a goal to actually sit down, in a class like setting, and coach them through finding materials and developing the resources that they'd like to make to use in their classrooms. It's kind of fun, too, having a classroom teacher come to you for help! :)
Classroom: using iPads for assessments. I've been lucky enough to obtain 6 iPad minis for my classroom with 5 more on the way. I'd like to use one as a "teacher" iPad that I could house iDoceo and other apps but then also use the others to create meaningful assessments that will save me time and give me a good measurement of student understanding. Aileen Miracle actually presented a great session for ROCKE last fall and I got some iPad app ideas from her (also check out her new product on how to use MadPAd). And Nyssa Brown presented last year about Socrative. This is the main focus of my goal, to use this app for assessment with my 3rd graders.
Blog/TpT: blog more regularly and create concept bundles. Yep, now you can hold ma accountable. My goal is to blog weekly (here I was blogging almost daily when I started so weekly is obtainable, right?!) And then for TpT, I'd like to create more bundles of PDFs, worksheets and song collections to teach specific concepts. I've tinkered with planning bundles but I'm on the fence. This is another blog post!
Just for me: more cardio and monthly massages. I've done a great job of making it to the gym and I'm the strongest I've been since I was weight training in high school (NOT even going to say how many years ago that was!) I'm turning 40 this year and my goal is to be in the best shape of my life. And, honestly, I'm making great progress to that goal. I do want to increase my cardio and run a 5K on Memorial Day. The Bolder Boulder is always held on Memorial day and my youngest niece has agreed to run and train for it with me! I also have a goal of getting a monthly massage to help with the tension that I carry in my back muscles.
So, there you have my goals! I'm pumped up and ready for all this year has to bring! As a celebration I'm having a 20% off sale in my TpT store, from today through January 1, 2015:
I hope you all have a safe, happy & healthy New Years! Love to all and I'll be blogging again real soon!

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