Three Day Sale

Hi everyone!  Sorry I've been neglecting my blog.  I'm working on some files that are more comprehensive so those are very time consuming. Oh, and I'm in charge of three professional study teams in my district and I just started up our building scheduling team that I'm also in charge of.  Throw in a couple concerts (last week and this week), 5 hours of extra curricular music programs a week and there goes all my free time, lol!

My youngest, Hannah (some call my mini-me) turns three tomorrow!  Here we are:
My mom watched her today and of course had to give her the birthday "spanks".  Did you do those growing up?  Ours was always a (sw)pat for each year plus a pinch to grow an inch.  Ugh, hated them! But my kids love them!

Since it's Miss H's birthday, I'm running a little sale in her honor at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  Here's how it works: for every three products you buy from my store I will send you one (your choice) of equal or lesser value.  DO NOT add the free product to your cart.  Instead, after you've made your purchase, send me an email of what product you would like me to send you:  I religiously check my email so I will get you your free file the same day as your purchase.  (Unless you purchase after 10:00 MSD, then you'll have to wait until I wake up, lol!).  This sale ends Friday, April 19, 2013.

Don't forget I'll send you my primary beat strips with the purchase of my Ta & Ti-Ti  packet, if you buy it before May 1, 2013.  All you have to do it buy it, rate it and email me.

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